CASH-Based Practice Blog

CBP 165: Is it time to raise your cash-pay rates?
The idea of raising your rates is enough to induce quiet panic among most cash-based practice owners. Yet it is one of the easiest ways to both improve your compensation and give your practice the resources needed to provide truly outstanding patient care. Even so, most…

CBP 164: How to create a positive work culture among your staff
No one wants to work in a toxic environment characterized by in-fighting and power struggles among staff, and you certainly can’t afford to have work squabbles interfere with patient care. But making sure you create and maintain a positive work culture can be easier said than done. Fortunately, even…

CBP 163: Cash-based success in a traditionally insurance-based niche—with Angela Wicker-Ramos
Since I last talked with cancer-rehab specialist Angela Wicker-Ramos in 2016, her practice has experienced incredible growth. Despite working in a niche where patients are heavily reliant on insurance for the bulk of their care, Angela’s cash-based practice is thriving. Currently she has a group of 15 providers from various disciplines offer services to…

CBP 162: How to find new patients fast with in-person marketing strategies
When it comes to marketing a cash-based practice, there’s simply nothing that can replace offline marketing strategies—that is, good old-fashioned, face-to-face relationship building. When done well, these approaches can help you connect with lots of prospective patients who will value what…

CBP 161: How to sell packages in a cash-based practice
Offering discounted multi-treatment packages can be a great way to help fill your clinic’s schedule, and minimize drop-offs to maximize the raving fans you create for your practice. However, the higher price tag can scare off those who aren’t totally sold on the value of your services if you don’t…

CBP 160: How to Build a Cash Practice in a Small Town with No Established Referrals or Patients — with Tammi Stewart
Ever think a cash-based practice won’t work in a rural area without “a lot of money”? Well, I’m especially proud to share this interview with cash practice owner Tammi Stewart, one of my Mastermind group members… Why? Because she started her practice right after her second child…

CBP 159: Without this, you’re shooting your marketing arrows in the dark
In order to be able to attract your ideal customer, you need to define exactly who that is. This may sound self-evident, but so few businesses actually do it, it’s something I have to repeat quite often. Creating an ideal patient “avatar” should be one of the foundations of an effective marketing plan for…

CBP 158: The secret to making Instagram pay big for a cash practice—with Jorge Massano
This week’s podcast features my conversation with Jorge Massano, one of my Mastermind group members. Jorge has been knocking it out of the park with social media marketing for his cash-based practice in Portugal, with individual Instagram posts sometimes resulting in as many as 5 new…

CBP 157: Cash-Practice Tips for Hiring Contractors on Upwork and Fiverr
Need help creating a compelling landing page or blog post? Maybe you’d like ongoing help from a virtual assistant, graphic designer, or website expert—but don’t know where to look. If the hassles of finding competent contracting help have led you to put off the search, it might be time for you to give…

CBP 156: How to sell without sounding salesy
Do you secretly dread having to sell your services to prospective patients? If so, you’re not alone. This is one of the most-common complaints I hear from other cash-practice owners, which is a problem because it’s a necessary part of running any successful business. Fortunately, it’s possible to…