CASH-Based Practice Blog

CBP 144: Cash-Based Physical Therapy for a Yoga Niche—with Jaimie Perkunas
After Jaimie Perkunas graduated from PT school, she took a job in an outpatient clinic. She gradually began adding some yoga elements into that traditional setting, and found it both effective for patients and interesting for her personally. Eventually, with lots of encouragement from her husband, she…

CBP 143: Is your mindset helping or hindering your cash-based practice?
In this episode, I delve into a topic that I think is absolutely critical to any successful cash-based practice, and that is your mindset. After working with hundreds of practice owners through the years, I have yet to find any who are able to create the practice of their dreams without the proper mindset. It’s a super fast …

CBP 142: Escaping Insurance Insanity through a Direct Primary Care Practice—with Dr. Michael Kim
After medical school, Dr. Michael Kim worked for years in various conventional healthcare settings that made him worry about the growing negative influence insurance was having on patient care. As he became more disillusioned over time, he began looking for alternatives, which led him to the idea…

CBP 141: How to find the right candidates for your cash-based practice
In this episode, I coach Jim Heafner on how to best manage the growth of his young cash-based practice as he approaches the moment when he’ll need to add his first PT. We discuss some of the fundamentals of hiring, including how to find great candidates and how you can structure a position to best meet the needs…

CBP 140: How to use an email newsletter to bring in new cash-pay business for your practice
In this episode, I discuss strategies to inexpensively market your cash-based practice using an emailed newsletter. You’ll hear how to decide what sort of messages your target audience will want to read, how to structure the content and produce it easily, and how to make sure your…

CBP 139: A marketing magician’s tricks to turn prospects into patients—with Dave Dee
I am so freakin excited about this episode and this guest … I have been on this guy’s email list for over 2 years now, and he emails me every day! Yes, you read that correctly … not only have I not unsubscribed, but I genuinely look forward to his daily email. And over time, I’ve spent a…

CBP 138: How to cultivate physician referrals for your cash-based practice
In this episode, I share some strategies for cultivating your network of referring physicians. I explain how to navigate the initial conversation, including discussing your billing arrangements, how to establish rapport, and things you can do to increase the chances that any referrals you…

CBP 137: How to set up your cash-based practice for exceptional growth—Gene Shirokobrod
This highlights episode features a conversation I had with Gene Shirokobrod of UpDoc Media about how to position your practice for growth from the very start. We talk about the mindset, planning, and specific strategies that lay the groundwork that enables you to scale up your practice so it…

CBP 136: Escaping a Broken System through Cash-Based Functional Medicine—with Dr. Morgan Camp
After Dr. Morgan Camp finished his Medical residency, he accepted a position in a successful, cash-based functional medicine clinic where he got to work alongside experts in the field. He found early success and soon decided to open his own concierge medical practice which attracted…

CBP 135: Compensation strategies that grow a winning cash-based practice team
As business around the country begins returning to normal, many practices are looking to hire new staff. With that in mind, this week’s podcast is focused on how to structure a position and compensation package so you can attract the right sort of candidate. I explain the legal…