After a year or two juggling both jobs, she was ready to quit her per diem work and focus on her own practice full time. Ever since, Jaimie has been working to find a balance between the practice she envisions and the practice she is creating, and course correcting along the way—which kept her foot in the “traditional” PT world even as she was running her own practice and caused her to completely revamp her practice structure over time.
In this interview, Jaimie shares how she got started, what worked and didn’t work, and what she’s learned along the way. You’ll also hear some interesting ideas for marketing and what’s worked to retain clients during pandemic closures.
More specifically, we discuss these cash-based practice topics:
- How Jaimie got started in a yoga niche of physical therapy.
- The mindset issues that got in the way when she first opened her cash-based practice.
- How physical therapy skills are applied in a hospice environment.
- Which kinds of referral sources worked best for a practice that targets a fitness niche.
- The reasons her growing practice became a bigger burden than she had anticipated and how that might have been avoided.
- The techniques Jaimie used to market her services and develop a strong referral network.
- How to make an email newsletter into a truly effective marketing tool.
- Which community marketing efforts provided a good ROI, including the surprisingly simple marketing tool that gets your message out in a fun, inexpensive way.
- The changes that allowed the practice to adapt to stay-at-home orders and continue to succeed despite the pandemic.
- The personalized approach that builds strong relationships with clients that pay off long term.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
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