CASH-Based Practice Blog

CBP 134: The keys to patient-producing webinars for private practice—with Jordan Mather
Earlier this year, Jordan Mather and his partner Will Boyd set out to discover why some of their clients’ online workshops were generating so much more business than others. When they realized that difference came from my Online Patient Attraction System, they reached out to…

CBP 133: How My Cash-Based Practice Actually Thrived in 2020
In this episode, I dig into the specific strategies and marketing tactics that have led some practices—like my own physical therapy practice in Austin—to not only survive the pandemic, but actually thrive. You’ll hear exactly what has worked to keep my own cash-based practice…

CBP 132: Finding Fulfillment and a Fully Booked Schedule in a Cash-Based Practice—with Valerie Schwalbe
During PT school, Valerie Schwalbe discovered she had a passion for pelvic physical therapy. So right after graduation, she started a pelvic health program in an outpatient orthopedic clinic and ran it for 2 years. Over time, she realized her dream of a standalone, dedicated pelvic health…

CBP 131: How to successfully target a niche with cash-based physical therapy services
In this highlights episode, I explain how you can target a niche to make your practice stand out from the competition. While it may seem counterintuitive to focus on a smaller market, the highly personalized messaging you can create for a niche makes your offer resonate far more than a…

CBP 130: Novel strategies to make your practice stand out during a pandemic and recession—with Scott Waddell
Scott Waddell has been building cutting-edge content management systems for more than 20 years. His company, PatientSites, has spent the past decade developing software services and tools to make owning a cash-based practice easier and more profitable. As this year’s pandemic…

CBP 129: The first and most vital step in talking about your rates
In this episode, I explain how you can develop a mindset that will allow you to artfully handle cost conversations about your cash-based services. You’ll hear how to shift your perspective and help convince yourself of the substantial value you provide. Believe it or not, in time you’ll come…

The Clinical Marketer Podcast: Secrets for generating loads of virtual and in-person patients
I was recently interviewed for the [P]rehab Audio Experience podcast. In the interview, hosts Craig Lindell and Michael Lau and I focus not only on telehealth’s potential to keep a physical therapy practice operating during the Coronavirus quarantine, but add a new service line and…

CBP 128: Podcasting for cash-based PT patients and referral sources—with Dr. Karen Litzy
Dr. Karen Litzy hosts of one of the most-popular PT podcasts in the country, with tens of thousands of monthly downloads. She has used her “Healthy Wealthy and Smart” podcast to successfully market her cash-based practice to her fellow New Yorkers—and to a worldwide…

CBP 127: Unraveling the mysteries of Facebook marketing for a cash-based practice
In this episode, we delve into the world of Facebook marketing for a cash-based practice. The discussion centers around the real-world results from my Austin-based PT clinic and those of some members of my Mastermind Gold group, as we brainstorm on how to enhance the…

CBP 126: The Riches are in the Niches – Cash-Based Physical Therapy in the Golf Niche—with Eric Wallace
After Eric Wallace graduated from PT school, he worked for several years as a staff physical therapist at a hospital-based outpatient clinic. Though he’d never imagined owning a practice, after having kids, he couldn’t bear the thought of coming home from work each day drained and…