The cash-pay practice model is going to see major changes in 2022 and beyond, and nobody seems to be talking about it! … That’s why today’s podcast is so important—because understanding the trends and strategies I share can mean the difference between your sustainable...
Ever get tired of hearing the price objection from potential patients who are out of network? If so the video below (which is a follow up to my previous training post on (3 Conversation Tips That Turn Consultations Into Private-Pay Patients), will cover a handful of...
How would it feel if you could predictably turn more consultations into Private-Pay Patients? I’m talking about prospective patients excitedly saying yes to paying out of pocket for a long term plan of care, and doing so with little to no pushback or objection! If...
Thinking about handing off your marketing to a slick vendor who promises fantastic ROI? Before you leap head-first into any deals, you’ll want to make sure you know what to look for to recognize a less-than-stellar marketing company or a bad contract. While there are...
It’s not everyday I get to interview someone who has been making the cash-based healthcare model work since the 90s! But in this interview you’ll go on a journey with a true pioneer of cash practice, Dr. Tom Yarema and learn how he was able to do it at a time when...
Do you or your receptionist lose prospective patients on the phone when they learn you’re not in-network with their insurance? Then this interview with Austin cash-practice owner Dan Bockman DC is for you! Dan is one of the top-rated chiropractors in Austin, who...
Are you missing opportunities to turn your patients into raving fans? Since human beings are wired to notice defects and problems, it takes more than just competent care in a decent office to truly impress. Fortunately, with a little thought, most practices can...
Jenny Williams felt called to pediatric OT since high school. But shortly after graduation, her job in an insurance-based setting where she had to see as many as 15 kids back-to-back in a day left her burnt out and disillusioned. She switched to treating adults as a...
Are you so focused on getting new patients in the door that you’re missing out on the profit potential of all your satisfied past customers? Similar to last week’s podcast on losing patients before they’ve completed treatment, ignoring your past clients creates a...
Tired of losing patients who improved just enough that they lost interest and never returned? This costly “profit leak” erodes your lifetime revenue per patient, increases the number of new prospects you must bring in each month to fill the schedule, and puts your...
Do you have a hard time recommending the optimal treatment plan to a cash-pay patient who seems of modest means? In an effort to be sensitive to our patients’ limitations, most practitioners often end up suggesting a cheaper option that may not produce the best...
Did last years’ explosion in telemedicine get you curious about how you might leverage video to reach potential patients? While the idea of creating marketing videos may sound daunting, when done well, this can be among the most-efficient methods for quickly...