If you’re a cash-based healthcare practice owner who’s wondering if it’s time to raise your rates or exactly how much to raise them, then the video below is for you. In it, I’m going to answer both of those questions as well as offering a number of pro...
Most practice owners walk a pricing tightrope between charging what they’re truly worth and the fear of chasing away patients. Fortunately, with the right approach, getting patients to pay out of pocket for top-level care doesn’t have to be a...
Arguably the most important role in your practice is the role of answering the phone, yet too often practice owners don’t give that role the attention it deserves… costing themselves many thousands in lost revenue! Yes, I know the clinicians are hugely...
The thought of raising rates often stirs up feelings of stress and uncertainty—even outright panic—for a cash-based practice owner. And that fear can keep you working for less than you’re worth for years! But, I’m here to tell you that by equipping yourself with the...
Tired of that uneasy feeling when a potential customer hesitates and pushes back on the price at the end of a phone call or consultation? If you or your staff struggle with this issue, you won’t want to miss the powerful video below. In it, you’ll learn how to...
Tired of dealing with uncomfortable silence or a hasty ‘no thanks’ as soon as a prospective patient hears how much they’ll have to pay for treatment at your clinic? You may be surprised to learn that it can be relatively easy to head off all that sticker shock—so you...
Hard to believe it’s already time for another annual year-in-review podcast! As usual, I listened to the recordings from prior years to find out how my previous expectations fared against reality. And once again, I was pleased to discover most of the predictions were...
Wish you could raise your cash-pay rates, but afraid you’ll lose your existing customers and all your leads will start saying “no”? Well you’re in luck, because today I’m going to teach you how to raise prices without losing customers. You’ll learn how you can adjust...
Are you overloaded with patients while your new hire still has huge gaps in their schedule? This patient scheduling problem is one of the biggest hurdles practice owners face as they attempt to scale beyond a single practitioner. Fortunately, there are some simple...
Are too many of your prospective patients opting to walk away when you attempt to close the sale? If so, it could very well be related to the confidence you feel—or more correctly, don’t feel—when you make your offer. This is a huge problem for most...
If you’ve been thinking about going out on your own but are afraid to make the leap, you’ll definitely want to hear this week’s podcast. Jason Racca is one of my Mastermind group members, and he’s managed to lean into practice with a solid side hustle that involved...
It’s not everyday I get to interview someone who has been making the cash-based healthcare model work since the 90s! But in this interview you’ll go on a journey with a true pioneer of cash practice, Dr. Tom Yarema and learn how he was able to do it at a time when...