CASH-Based Practice Blog
Is a cash-based PT practice viable in my city?
There is a fairly common question/concern I’ve been hearing from those considering cash-pay physical therapy services or completely converting to or starting a Cash-based PT practice: “Is a Cash practice even a viable option in my city?” In other words, “If I do this,...
When you live off word-of-mouth, make every patient a walking advertisement
Here’s another short excerpt from my ever-growing cash practice guidebook on Cash-Based Physical Therapy. When I made my first post on The PT Project about a month ago, the book was 25 pages long. It’s now 50 pages long and growing thanks to the questions I’m getting...
Is this a “Road to Riches” you really want?
Well, if you're having problems maintaining profits in your private practice (or work in a struggling one), Today in PT just published an article called "Road to Riches" that gives you some options ... You can make nearly $70/hr if you don't mind living in rural areas...
Break into Niche Markets, and Create New Streams of Cash-Paying Patients
Once again, the readers at The PT Project have asked me questions that reveal the need to expand on a particular topic. Here was the question: I agree with everything you are saying and have thought about the viability of a cash based business. The ability to combine...
Being a great Therapist will only get you so far
When you’re a private practice owner like me, whether cash-based or insurance-based, you can’t just be a good therapist and expect amazing success. You have to become a perpetual student of Business. Long before I left the ranks of the employee and became a business...
The latest cut … and more to come
Congress Cuts Rehab, Special Education Services in 2-Week Continuing Resolution A little something new from the APTA ... I get the feeling this kind of news will be more and more common in the future: "In passing a 2-week "stop gap" continuing resolution this week to...

You may be surprised at who is willing to pay out-of-pocket for your services.
Since my last post, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how things differ between traditional PT practices and Cash practices, how I run my practice, and quite a lot of interest in how I market my services. So I’ll start this post with a brief overview of the...
What happened to my reimbursements?!!
A few months ago, I wouldn’t have thought I’d be writing a series of blog posts and a guidebook on Cash-Based PT practices. It’s interesting how one thing can lead to another ... I had written 'The PT Project' to enquire if they or any of their readers knew how the...
Fellow Physical Therapists:
Are you tired of the headaches associated with Insurance/Medicare billing and regulation? Want to spend more time on each visit, less time on paperwork, and treat your patients the way You feel is best? Are you concerned about the ongoing decline in reimbursements for...