CASH-Based Practice Blog

CBP 210: Little-known tips to negotiate the best lease for clinic space
Thinking about moving or expanding your practice? This process can either be exciting or incredibly expensive and disappointing, depending on what comes of the negotiations. So in the interest of helping my colleagues avoid learning some big lessons through painful mistakes, this week’s podcast digs into…

How We Convert 80% Of Our Leads Into Cash-Pay Patients (Regardless of their Insurance Status)
If you’d like to get more cash-pay patients on your schedule, but you or your receptionist struggle to get callers to say ‘yes’ to your cash-based services, then this week’s video is definitely worth a few minutes of your time. You’ll discover precisely how my own physical therapy practice uses a simple, 8-step phone call…

2022 Lessons Learned & 2023 Must-Have Practice Strategies
Hard to believe it’s already time for another annual year-in-review podcast! As usual, I listened to the recordings from prior years to find out how my previous expectations fared against reality. And once again, I was pleased to discover most of the predictions were pretty well on target, which makes me…

The fastest way to create a solid business plan for the new year
If you know you should create a business and strategic marketing plan for the new year, but you don’t know how or you don’t have the time to spend multiple days creating it, then this week’s video will help. You’ll learn about the easiest way to approach annual business planning for your…

CBP 208: The critical first step of a great annual business plan
How successful was your practice in 2022? What factors have contributed to its success? Which things are holding you back? What do you need to protect against in 2023? If you aren’t quite sure how to answer these questions, this week’s podcast will be worth a listen. I explain exactly how you can…

Last-Minute Ideas to Add Year-End Patients and Avoid a Holiday Slowdown
Are seasonal cancellations leaving your practice schedule a bit empty this month? If so, this week’s video is for you! You’ll hear about two super easy-to-implement promotions that bring patients in the door fast to offset a holiday slowdown. In this video, I explain how to leverage these simple…

CBP 207: Lead Magnet Ideas That Get Cash-Pay Patients Fast
Have you got a great lead magnet but not...

The 3 Best FREE Sources of New Cash-Pay Patients
Would you like to get more cash-pay patients in the door without having to invest a ton of money in paid advertising or expensive marketing firms? If so, you’re in the right place because this week’s video will walk you through the 3 best free sources of new cash-pay patients. These 3…

CBP 206: 4 keys to minimize patient drop off and get full POC commitment
Tired of seeing patients fall off the schedule the minute they feel a bit better? In addition to profit leak from all the anticipated visits that never happen, those drop offs can absolutely wreck your schedule when several patients decide to ghost you in the same week. Fortunately, there are some simple…

How to Raise Prices Without Losing Customers
Wish you could raise your cash-pay rates, but afraid you’ll lose current and past customers and all your leads will start saying “no”? Well you’re in luck, because today I’m going to teach you how to raise prices without losing customers. You’ll learn how you can adjust your…