CBP 062: From Solo Cash Practitioner to 3 Full-Time Therapists in 2 1/2 Years! – Catching up with Danny Matta
This episode is a follow up interview with Danny Matta, who originally appeared on my podcast a couple years ago. You can check out his first interview here . Danny started out as a PT in the Army, then opened his own practice in a room at a Cross Fit gym. Now just 2 1/2 years later…
CBP 061: Explosive Growth in His Full Service Performance & Wellness PT Practice: Follow Up Interview with Eric Oliver
In this episode, I’m catching up with Eric Oliver. He was originally on episode 18 of this podcast, which you can check out here. Since that aired, Eric has grown and expanded his practice immensely… He’s had a busy few years! He’s sharing all the details of how…
CBP 060: Managing a Home-Based Cash Pay Practice from Around the World: Interview with Ben Gold
In this interview, I’m chatting with Ben Gold PT, a cash-pay practice owner who was first on the podcast back in 2014! He had established a home/office-visit cash based practice in New York City, but was just a few months away from moving back to Australia and attempting to maintain his…
CBP 59: From Stressed and Overworked to a Completely Automated, Million-Dollar, Out-of-Network Practice – Interview with Dr Jamey Schrier, PT
Today’s interview is with Jamey Schrier, out-of-network practice owner, PT business coach, and author of The Automated Practice: Success Secrets for Working Less and Earning More. Jamey has had plenty of ups and downs in his practice, including a fire…
CBP 58: It’s been a wild ride – A review of the past year in my Cash-Based Practice
The past year and a half has been a wild ride with hiring not only my first staff PT, but a full time office administrator. Last week my office admin resigned and gave me her 1 month’s notice. So I decided to do a podcast episode on all I’ve learned in the past year since hiring…
CBP 57: My Morning Routine, Staff Training Musts, Patient Communication Tips, Cash-Practice Marketing Advice, and Much More
This episode was a blast and is actually a recorded interview from “The Duck Legs Podcast” in which the Hosts and DPT Students, Jared Aguilar and Tyler Adams, ask me a TON of awesome questions … many that I’ve never fielded before. I share my experience…
CBP 56: The Unforeseen Challenges of Growing from Solo Practitioner to Business Owner – Reverse Interview with Paul Gough
In this reverse interview, I’m fielding questions from Paul Gough about my first year of expanding from solo-practitioner to hiring staff and becoming a multi-therapist practice owner. We especially dive into the things I would have done differently as well as the decisions I’m very happy I made, so I…
CBP 055: Interview with Direct Primary Care Physician Michael Garrett MD
This interview was done in-person with “direct primary care” physician Michael Garrett, MD who has a private medical practice just down the road from my PT clinic in Austin Texas. He is part of the “direct primary care” movement in which patients pay a monthly fee for unlimited…
CBP 54: The Logistics of Billing OON on Behalf of Patients – Cash PT Lunch Hour interview of Jerry Durham PT – PPS Conference Episode Part 2
Some cash-based practices, like mine, don’t bill insurances out-of-network (OON) on behalf of their cash-paying patients. However, many practices do offer this service. Especially those that have transitioned from in-network to out-of-network… and that’s where…
CBP 053: My Bar-Side Q&A with DPT Students – PPS Conference Episode 1
The 2016 Private Practice Section annual conference was held in Las Vegas and I had a blast. That’s especially apparent in this bar-side chat with a group of PT students. Please excuse the background noise and occasional evidence of inebriation…