This interview was done in-person with “direct primary care” physician Michael Garrett, MD who has a private medical practice just down the road from my PT clinic in Austin Texas. He is part of the “direct primary care” movement in which patients pay a...
Wow, what a year it’s been! Though I had to slow my content creation somewhat for in order to focus on my physical therapy clinic in Austin, it turns out it was time really well spent … In the past year, I have hired 3 full-time employees to...
Some cash-based practices, like my physical therapy clinic in Austin, aren’t billing out-of-network (OON) on behalf of their cash-paying patients who have insurance coverage. However, many practices do offer this service. Especially those that have transitioned...
I recently had a special guest visit me at my physical therapy clinic in Austin, and before we dove into all the fun things this city has to offer, we sat down and did a live interview on Periscope … which I of course recorded and now you can listen to the audio...
I am the patient of an amazing manual therapist who is winding down her private practice and introducing me to her referral sources, asking them to start sending me patients rather than her. (I know, pretty amazing!) Anyhow, an orthopedist replied to her email...
Unless the deal completely falls through for some reason (not likely), I’ll soon be signing a lease for larger space for my physical therapy clinic in Austin and starting the search for my first staff PT! I had toyed with idea of a “cash practice incubator/fellowship”...
Click here to download this episode Karen is a cash-based practice owner who sees all her patients in their homes or offices. She gives an incredible amount of practical and actionable advice for those interested in this model, and much of the advice is applicable to...
Click here to download this episode The public’s perception of physical therapy and especially the “Value” they see in it has become a hot-button topic in the past few years. I recently joined Periscope and in my first live broadcast, I read some excerpts from a...
Click here to download this episode This episode is Part 2 of my interview of Paul Gough, an England-based physiotherapist and cash-based practice owner with four clinic locations. What’s most impressive about this is that his business is almost 100% cash-based in a...
Click here to download this episode The marketing tips, techniques, and mindset presented in this episode are absolute gold. I was so pumped when I finished this interview. Paul Gough is a physiotherapist and private practice owner in England with four clinic...
Click here to download this episode This is my first interview of someone who had a successful solo cash practice, had to move to another city, and then started another cash PT practice in an area with very different demographics. So Carrie Jose DPT, of CJ Physical...
Click here to download this episode Let me start by wishing you all a Happy New Year. I sincerely hope that 2014 is ending on a high note, and that you have great things coming your way in 2015. In this episode, I give the juicy details of my life and business in...