Cash-Based PT Practice Info, Interviews, Marketing, Mindset
As this website and its impact spreads, more interview requests roll in and I’m really enjoying it. Dave Chase, CEO of sent me a number of “Healthcare Innovator” interview questions, and I have included a few of them below. How do you make the lives of...Cash-Based PT Practice Info, Direct Access, Everything Digital, Marketing, Medicare and Insurance, Mindset, Reimbursement
In Dec 2010, when I was asked how I was able to quickly create a successful cash-based physical therapy practice, I had no idea that the answer would turn into an ever-growing website and a 65 page cash-practice guidebook. The entire process took much longer than I...Cash-Based PT Practice Info, Marketing, Mindset
As I receive more and more emails from Physical Therapists interested in starting cash practices, I’m finding the questions are often great sources for blog posts. How should I market my physical therapy practice? Just a few days ago, I received an email from a young...Cash-Based PT Practice Info, Medicare and Insurance, Mindset
I started my Cash-Based PT practice in Austin about 1 ½ years ago, and though it was a lot of hard work to get the ball rolling, I’ve never been so happy to be a Physical Therapist. When you remove the red tape and headaches of the Insurance and Medicare systems, an...Marketing, Mindset, Reimbursement
The above question is one I have to answer somewhat often, and I’m now getting plenty of Physical Therapists asking me how I respond to it. Luckily, I have already written this section in my cash-practice guidebook, so I get to use the ol’ copy-paste for this post! I...Cash-Based PT Practice Info, Mindset
Well, if you’re having problems maintaining profits in your private practice (or work in a struggling one), Today in PT just published an article called “Road to Riches” that gives you some options … You can make nearly $70/hr if you...Cash-Based PT Practice Info, Marketing, Mindset
When you’re a private practice owner like me, whether cash-based or insurance-based, you can’t just be a good therapist and expect amazing success. You have to become a perpetual student of Business. Long before I left the ranks of the employee and became a business...