Imagine massively increasing patient volume, skyrocketing your profit per visit, and adding 2 additional clinicians to your team, all while transitioning out-of-network and doing 7-figures in cash-pay revenue! This might sound too good to be true, but Elizabeth Rogers...
Every practice experiences gaps in their schedule from time to time. Discharges, cancellations, and unexpected events can leave even the busiest clinician with open slots. Imagine this: one of your clinicians has a busier than usual week with discharges and...
Struggling to compete with in-network providers offering low copays? You’re not alone. But price isn’t everything! When I poll my audience and students, the top concerns are often lead generation and converting those leads into paying customers. It’s...
If you offer mobile services in your private practice, it’s possible you’re making a costly mistake with your superbills/receipts … Running a mobile healthcare practice can be a great way to serve patients in the comfort of their own homes or offices, and charge a...
Struggling to break free from an in-network clinic and build your own thriving, cash-based physical therapy practice? In my recent interview with Nicole Dumas, we unveil the secrets to getting started and achieving success with minimal risk. Her decision to leave an...
Are you looking to expand your professional network and develop solid referral sources for your practice? In this week’s training video, we delve into the art of networking and building relationships that can lead to a steady stream of new patients and...
Hope the first half 2024 has been amazing for your cash-based practice! To ensure you continue on a strong trajectory, we’ve carefully curated the top resources from the first quarter of 2024. These selections focus on optimizing your practice’s performance,...
Do you run a cash-based healthcare practice and offer discounts to friends, and family, or on a sliding scale? As an out-of-network practice that doesn’t bill insurance on behalf of your patients, it’s very important you make it possible for them to submit self-claims...
Want to learn the secrets to growing a successful private physical therapy practice from scratch, even with major challenges and a slower-than-expected start? Then you don’t want to miss my recent interview with Trent Corey. Trent shares his journey of...
You know the struggle – you’ve got a cash-based practice and you want to create rock-solid Superbills for those treatment packages you offer. But how do you make sure they’re compliant and get your patients’ maximum insurance reimbursement?...
Are you a practice owner drowning in administrative tasks? In this episode of the Cash-Based Practice podcast, I tackle a question many new business owners face: How to find and hire your first virtual assistant (VA) or on-site admin, and how to prioritize the tasks...
95% of healthcare practices make an easily avoidable mistake that is extremely frustrating to new patients and taints their first impression of your practice. And by doing the opposite during your new patient intakes (which again, is very easy to do), you can make...