We discuss how to plan, hire, and manage with that future growth in mind so you can successfully scale up your practice when you’re ready—and build the lifestyle of your dreams!
This “highlight” is from a full episode on the scalability of the cash-based business model.
More specifically, we discuss the following cash-based practice topics:
- Why planning to run a larger practice right from the start (even if you don’t expect to do so) helps you avoid marketing mistakes that inhibit any future efforts to scale up your practice.
- A method for creating documentation in advance that can save you from feeling overwhelmed when you onboard new staff.
- The employment-offer “pitch” that is virtually irresistible to any therapist who has been working in an insurance-based practice.
- The specific traits to watch for if you want an employee who isn’t likely to want to start their own practice.
- How to handle the loss of a good PT who decides to move on so it remains a positive experience on both sides.
- Ideas for structuring a position that can remain attractive to a more-entrepreneurial personality in the long term.
- Why I’m certain that the cash-based model allows for every bit as much scalability as the insurance-based model.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Interested in the cash-based private practice model?
>> Click Here to learn how to start your own Cash-Based Practice <<