Discovering story-based emails revolutionized patient engagement in my cash-based practice, blending education with entertainment to skyrocket how my emails create new and return patients. And in this week’s video training, you will learn exactly how the once...
How would you like a ChatGPT specifically for your practice, that always writes for your target market, your niche and services, and in your writing style to create your patient-producing content in record time? Well, as of December 2023, that has become completely...
Hope you finished the year strong. To help you kick off 2024 as strong as possible, we’ve combed through our extensive library to bring you the absolute best of the best: our top 3 podcasts and video trainings from 2023. Everything from increasing package sales and...
Are you confident about what your practice will look like by this time next year? If you can’t say for sure, I suggest you check out this week’s podcast for help. You’ll learn exactly how you can create an annual business plan that will allow you to get...
For a cash-based practice, building and maintaining strong relationships with referral sources can be a huge engine for new business, especially when a practice is getting itself established. If you have the sense there may be some untapped referral sources in your...
If you’re hoping to compete in the increasingly crowded cash-based marketplace, building genuine connections with your potential patients isn’t nice to have, it’s essential to success. So this week’s podcast delves into the art of authentic patient engagement...
Imagine you’re at a busy event, and more than one potential client is waiting to talk with you. How can you juggle prospects in a way that makes the most of all your opportunities? This is a common problem for practice owners who choose to try some event marketing...
There are a couple of critical points beyond the obvious benefits and challenges of a cash-based practice, and failing to consider them will cost you big over time. The first is a lucrative opportunity to build your revenue potential, and the other is a relatively new...
Imagine your healthcare practice thriving on predictable income that is not dependent on an uninterrupted flow of new patients. This foundation can help keep your business in the black, even when the economy tightens. And that’s why this week’s podcast explores...
Every private practice owner knows the summer lull all too well… patients are vacationing, and appointments seem to dwindle. But what if I told you there’s a proven healthcare practice strategy to bounce back from summer slowdowns? In the video below, I unveil a...
Are you missing out on the easy sales that can come from people who already understand the incredible value in your cash-based services? Just because a patient has completed their full plan of care doesn’t mean they won’t have a need in the future—or that they don’t...
Could your practice benefit from the noticeable injections of revenue a high-ticket offer can provide? This is one of my favorite strategies for recession-proofing, as it tends to appeal to affluent customers who are less price sensitive, and it can help make up for...