If you need to set and raise your cash-pay rates with confidence—while keeping your patients satisfied and avoiding pushback or “No’s” —this week’s podcast is a must-listen.
Pricing your services right is one of the biggest challenges for cash-based practice owners—yet it’s also key to long-term success. Many practitioners struggle with asking for three figures out of pocket, even when they know their services are worth it. If this resonates with you, you’re not alone.
In this episode, we dive into the psychology of pricing, strategies to confidently set and raise your rates, and the key steps to minimize pushback while maximizing profitability. Plus, scroll down to grab the free “Superbill Template” resource to help your patients maximize their insurance reimbursements, making your services even more accessible, and increasing your customer lifetime value…
More specifically, I discuss these topics related to setting and raising cash-pay prices effectively:
- How to shift your perspective and charge what you’re truly worth without guilt or hesitation.
- Learn how to maximize revenue without deterring potential patients.
- How to research market trends and position yourself as a premium provider without losing patients.
- Common mistakes that push patients away and proven strategies that keep them loyal.
- How successful practitioners minimize resistance and even create cash-flow boosts when increasing their rates.
- Learn how to demonstrate the true worth of your care, so patients view it as a valuable investment in their health rather than just another expense.
- One simple move that can increase revenue significantly while keeping patients happy.
How to set and raise cash-pay prices effectively
I’ve got a free resource for you: “Cash-Based PT Superbill Template and OON Coverage Guide,” which includes a superbill template with everything you need for patients to get maximum reimbursement plus a list of questions I give my prospective patients to ask their insurance companies so they can get a sense of what their true cost of care is going to be.
Thanks so much for checking out this week’s Podcast… hope you enjoy the free resource!
HERE ARE SOME MORE EPISODES ON HOW TO Raise your Rates Effectively:
How to Raise Prices Without Losing Customers Learn how you can adjust your rates to stay ahead of inflation and increasing overhead costs, so you can pay yourself and your staff better every year—all with minimal pushback or loss of clients!
Is it fair to ask patients to pay more? Learn how to overcome any hesitancy you may feel about raising rates—or an aversion to the cash pay business model due to out-of-pocket costs for patient.
A step-by-step guide on how to create webinars and online workshops that generate loads of patients for your private practice … on autopilot! Regardless of whether you’re treating patients online or in the clinic, you’ll learn every detail of how to create a proven-to-convert webinar, so it won’t take a large audience to generate a large amount of new patients and revenue.
3 Simple and Powerful Strategies that Immediately Build Expert Status and Attract High-Quality Patients
In this 1-hour Masterclass, you’ll learn the simple online methods that establish your practice as THE authority in your niche, bringing in tons of new patients who are happy to pay top dollar for a chance to work with you. These strategies will not only cast you and your staff as the premier experts in your niche, but will also dissolve the objections people have to paying more out of pocket for your care.