CBP 248 - Common Mistake When Selling Cash-Pay Packages - SquareAre you struggling to get patients to commit to your treatment packages? Or you’d jump on a strategy that increases your conversions by at least 10-20%? In this episode, I’m revealing the biggest mistake practice owners make when selling cash-pay packages—and how to turn it around so patients start saying ‘yes’! Hint: it all comes down to timing.

This approach will not only increase patient acceptance to your packages but also help them take that crucial first step with your practice rather than being overwhelmed by a large price tag and run the other way. Plus, I’ll show you how to apply retroactive discounts to maximize conversions without coming across as pushy or sales-driven.

More specifically, we discuss these topics related to selling cash-pay packages:

  • The importance of developing a relationship with potential patients before offering treatment packages
  • A powerful timing-based strategy for offering treatment packages that get far more yes’s
  • How to easily calculate discounts for patients who have already had a few sessions and then decide to purchase a package
  • The benefits of retroactively applying discounts for treatment packages with the timing strategy you’ll learn in this training

The #1 Mistake When Selling Cash-Pay Packages

I’ve got a free resource for you called the “Cash-Pay Treatment Package Calculator,” which simplifies the process of offering retroactive discounts on pre-paid sessions, helping you maximize conversions and patient satisfaction.

Implementing this strategy is simple and can significantly boost your revenue while helping you serve more patients who might have otherwise walked away if you offered a pricey package at your first appointment. So make sure to download my “package calculator” resource to make those numbers work for your cash-pay practice and let it do the math for you!.

Thanks so much for checking out this week’s video… hope you enjoy this week’s episode!

CBP 248 - Common Mistake When Selling Cash-Pay Packages - Download BUtton



>> Click Here to learn how to start, grow, or transition your own Cash-Based Practice <<


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