If you are interested in an easy way to reduce cancellations and dropoffs in your practice, then check out the video below to learn how to leverage a brief window of opportunity between the initial call and the first visit. Surprisingly, this potential is squandered by many clinics who do not understand the magnitude of the “profit leaks” this creates for their practice. But the simple truth is this: if you can wow new patients before they’ve actually arrived for that first visit, you can dramatically increase the odds they’ll stay on schedule until they have successfully completed their full plan of care.

There are some genuinely easy-to-implement strategies that remove the friction or frustration patients usually experience when first visiting a healthcare practice. And by adding a “wow” factor that creates a truly welcoming experience, you can replace a new patient’s feelings of anxiety and hesitancy about visiting a new clinic with a sense of relief that they’ve chosen the right source for their care.

More specifically, I discuss these topics related to how to wow new patients before they’ve arrived for the first visit:

  • Tips for refining your intake process to eliminate redundancies for the patient, so they don’t get the feeling you aren’t really listening to them.
  • How you can use videos in your confirmation messages to alleviate the usual concerns patients experience when visiting a new clinic and make them more likely to arrive relaxed, prepared, and on time.
  • How to set your practice apart from the competition by injecting a little personality into your communications with new patients.

How to wow new patients before they’ve arrived for their first visit


I’ve got a free resource for you: “Initial Eval Reminder Email,” which includes the exact email and video reminders I use to wow new patients in my own cash-pay practice, so you can quickly implement the strategies I describe in this episode and start getting better results right away.

Click below to download this resource today:

Thanks so much for checking out this week’s video… hope you enjoy the email/video resource!





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