Thinking about raising your cash-pay rates but worried that your current patients will push back and new leads will start saying “no”? You’re not alone—but the good news is, there’s a way to do it smoothly without losing business.
In this episode, I’ll walk you through how to increase your prices strategically, so you can stay ahead of inflation, cover rising overhead costs, and pay yourself and your staff better—without triggering mass client drop-offs.
More specifically, I discuss these topics related to raising your prices:
- Why most clinicians undervalue their services—and how to recognize if you’re underpricing yours.
- A low-risk way to test a price increase so you can confidently move forward.
- How to frame the price change for existing patients to minimize pushback and keep them on board.
- The right way to explain your rate increase so patients understand why it’s fair and necessary.
- A strategy for re-engaging past patients at the new rate—without scaring them off.
The Smart Way to Raise Prices Without Scaring Away Clients
I’ve got a free resource for you: “Price Increase Confidence Booster training”. Here, you’ll watch me coaching my Cash-Based Practice Mastermind students through their fears and guiding them with proven strategies based on psychology and numbers.
Click below to access this exclusive coaching session and see why raising your rates is not only possible—it’s essential for the health of your business.
Thanks so much for checking out this week’s podcast… hope you enjoy the Price Increase Confidence Booster training resource!
CBP 165: Is it time to raise your cash-pay rates?
In this episode, I discuss tips for determining the right prices, introducing them to your clients, and how to put your fears to rest that you are about to destroy your business.
CBP 167: How to handle emailed questions about cash-pay rates
In this episode, I walk you through how to manage written rate questions in a way that maximizes your potential to turn those prospects into paying customers.
CBP 129: The first and most vital step in talking about your rates
In this podcast, I explain exactly how you can get rid of that awful, business-blocking feeling and replace it with complete confidence about what you charge for your services
How to increase your cash pay rates, maximize profits, and minimize customer pushback on cost
My Pricing and Profit Optimization Masterclass can quickly and predictably put more money in your pocket so you’ll be able to provide the highest level of care possible. You’ll learn exactly how to determine the right price to charge—without outpricing your market or underpricing your care. Check it out here.
How to answer the question, “Do you take my insurance?”
This powerful system helps you master the initial patient phone call so you can help prospects make the best decisions about their healthcare, and maximize conversions of phone calls into cash-pay patients … even if the very first thing out of their mouth is, “Do you take Blue Cross?” Check it out here.