Episode 31 - Cash-Based PT Superbill template & OON Coverage Guide - sqrdAre you making some common out-of-network billing mistakes that will prevent your patients from receiving the maximum reimbursement? If so, it is not only costing your patients money, it is also costing you prospective patients and increasing your schedule dropoffs before the plan of care is complete. That’s why in the video below, I go over the best practices for OON superbills and payment collection that every practice owner should know.

Below the video, you can also get my “Cash-Based PT Superbill Template and OON Coverage Guide.This resource includes an optimized superbill template and all the questions I have my prospective patients ask their insurance companies so they can get a sense of what their true cost of care is going to be.

Check out the video below to learn about these lesser-known but lucrative out-of-network billing opportunities. You’ll also hear some superbill tips as well as how you can leverage payment plans and other payment collection options to make it easier for prospective patients to say yes to your cash-pay services.

More specifically, I discuss these topics related to out-of-network billing mistakes and superbills:

  • The two approaches to billing and payment collection that are available for a cash-based practice.
  • Pro tips that help keep patients from blaming your practice for whatever reimbursement their insurance ultimately provides on self claims. 
  • How to decide if offering some in-network care might make sense for your practice.
  • Important legal restrictions that limit your flexibility when it comes to the fee schedule.
  • Strategies for collecting partial payment up front.
  • How to make the entire payment experience more palatable for your patients. 
  • An easy way to be sure you get every patient’s credit card number on file.
  • How to decide if it makes sense to offer a payment plan.

Top 4 Out-of-Network Billing & Superbill Tips for a Private-Pay Practice


I’ve got a free resource for you: “Cash-Based PT Superbill Template and OON Coverage Guide,” which includes a superbill template with everything you need for patients to get maximum reimbursement plus a list of questions I give my prospective patients to ask their insurance companies so they can get a sense of what their true cost of care is going to be. 

Click below to download this resource to help make sure your patients can get the maximum reimbursement for your services:

Thanks so much for checking out this week’s video… hope you enjoy the resource!



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How to answer "Do you take my insurance" questionHow to Answer “Do you take my insurance?”

If you or your staff dread the “Do you take my insurance?” question, then look no further than this masterclass. It very quickly provides every detail on how private-pay practices confidently answer this dreaded question, skillfully guide the conversation, and convert the maximum number of prospects into cash-pay customers. Check it out here.


Jarod's Cash-Based Practice Mastermind Annual PromoCASH-BASED PRACTICE MASTERMIND

If you want to double your profit per patient and build the private practice of your dreams, without relying on greedy insurance companies, then this is your best opportunity to do so… Having the support and guidance of someone who’s already been-there/done-that will allow you to build a profitable and successful cash-based practice without wasting time, getting overwhelmed, or breaking the bank. Get your questions answered during weekly live coaching calls, join our interactive community of practice owners, and get access to the members-only website loaded with all the resources you’ll need as you create the practice of your dreams. Check it out here.

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