my name is Jarod Carter and I’m a cash-based physical therapy practice owner.
my name is Jarod Carter and I’m a cash-based physical therapy practice owner.
With insurance reimbursements on a steady decline, most insurance-based clinics are struggling to maintain profit margins along with quality care.
Practice owners and their clinicians are overworked, buried in paperwork, and feeling paralyzed by the utterly unsustainable situation they are in. They are being forced to accept lower and lower payments while the costs of doing business go up every year.
Sound familiar?
Since 2011, I’ve been helping my healthcare colleagues to create or transition to the cash-based/out-of-network (OON) practice model. This way, they can reclaim freedom from insurance companies, make more money with less work, and have the time to treat patients the way they know is best.
Hospital systems and large corporations may have the buying power to maintain decent fees, but what about the small private practice owner? What are we supposed to do?
Unfortunately, many have already been forced out of business or have had to sell their practice, and a great number of practice owners are facing the same fate if they don’t change something quickly.
Those looking for a solution are turning in larger and larger numbers to the cash-based / OON practice model or at least figuring out how to add cash-pay services on top of their in-network treatment offerings. And guess what … it’s working!
I imagine that if you’re at this website, you can relate to at least some of the above, so let me share something with you right now:
Whether you’re looking to start a cash-based practice from scratch, or you want to transition your current practice out-of-network, you are in the right place.
Given this is the “About” page, the first thing you need to know about this website is that the information here has served as a guide and inspiration for the creation of hundreds of cash-based private practices …
soon to be in the thousands.
But most practitioners interested in creating this type of practice are unsure of how and where to start.
Let me help with that first and then I’ll tell you a little bit more about myself.
Aside from having a successful cash-based practice since 2010 and helping hundreds of others to create the same success in this business model, I’ve also interviewed dozens of successful private-pay practice owners. Over the years, I have come to the realization that all successful cash-based practices have the same 5 characteristics in common.
So a great place to start figuring out how to free yourself from insurance companies and create the practice of your dreams is to learn those 5 characteristics.
When you provide your email here, I’ll send that article series so you can start to understand exactly what it takes to create a cash-based practice. And after that I’ll send weekly emails delivering all of the best content I’ve created over the years. These same articles and videos have given your colleagues a step-by-step guidance to cash-pay success.
will cash based physical therapy work for me?
Doubtful that the cash-based practice model could work for you? Or in your area? Don’t worry … almost everyone thinks that at first! Here’s why: most therapists and healthcare providers have been surrounded their whole career by patients with a “I have to use my insurance” mindset. So it’s only natural to think that there aren’t enough patients willing to pay high fees out of pocket to sustain a practice.
I discuss this very topic in great detail in the article series mentioned above. I won’t go into it further here, but I promise you that with the right marketing and the right services, you will be amazed at how many people are willing to pay over $150 per hour for great treatment … regardless of where you live!
So again, if you’re looking for a great place to start, click here to get your article series and all my best cash-pay content sent to your inbox for free.
Additional Resources
If you like learning on the go, here’s my podcast.
Do you prefer to read? Here’s my blog.
If you want a step-by-step guide to create your practice and a roadmap on how to make it happen, here’s my flagship online program: Cash-Based Practice Freedom
And if you’d like a direct line to me, the ability to ask me questions at any time, and the support of a community of other cash-based practice owners, here’s my Cash-Based Practice Mastermind.
A little more about me …

Waaaay before all that, I attended The University of Texas where I was a Diver on the National Champion UT Swimming and Diving Team. After graduating with High Honors in Kinesiology, I attended The University of St. Augustine due to its reputation as a leader in Manual Therapy training. In 2005, I earned my Doctorate in Physical Therapy, and graduated Valedictorian of my class. Aside from acquiring the certification in Manual Therapy (MTC), I earned one for Strength and Conditioning (CSCS).
In Spring 2010, I started Carter Physiotherapy, a fully cash-based physical therapy clinic where we provide an hour of one-on-one care in every treatment session. Via creative marketing and a reputation for getting fast results, my patient schedule was full within 6 months. I have purposely kept the practice small while working on other business interests, but I do have a full-time PT and part-time PT who stay quite busy but enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of working in a cash-based practice. After years of setting up marketing and administrative systems, Carter Physiotherapy is a low-overhead, smooth-running machine that provides high-level care and customer experience. Best of all, it doesn’t require a great deal of my time.
When I’m not running my practice or working on this site, I enjoy time with family and friends. Though I’m currently far from the ocean, I absolutely love surfing and just about anything to do with water sports. Life is good and I’m a lucky man.