CASH-Based Practice Blog

You may be surprised at who is willing to pay out-of-pocket for your services.
Since my last post, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how things differ between traditional PT practices and Cash practices, how I run my practice, and quite a lot of interest in how I market my services. So I’ll start this post with a brief overview of the...
What happened to my reimbursements?!!
A few months ago, I wouldn’t have thought I’d be writing a series of blog posts and a guidebook on Cash-Based PT practices. It’s interesting how one thing can lead to another ... I had written 'The PT Project' to enquire if they or any of their readers knew how the...
Fellow Physical Therapists:
Are you tired of the headaches associated with Insurance/Medicare billing and regulation? Want to spend more time on each visit, less time on paperwork, and treat your patients the way You feel is best? Are you concerned about the ongoing decline in reimbursements for...