CASH-Based Practice Blog

CBP 44: PPS 2015 Highlights – Part 2 – 6 Marketing Geniuses Walk Into A Bar…
This episode is an absolute Must-Listen … not very long but absolutely packed with marketing strategies and tactics you can immediately implement in your PT business, whether cash-based OR insurance-based.

Part 2 With Paul Potter: Starting From Scratch and Key Medicare Self-Pay Concepts
If you are interested in a cash physical therapy practice, you probably have several questions about treating Medicare patients in a cash practice. This interview is Part 2 of my sit down with Paul Potter of the Functional Freedom Podcast, where we go over the...

I’m a Motor Mouth in This One …
In this interview (the first of two parts), I sit down with Paul Potter on the Functional Freedom Podcast to go over the ins-and-outs of cash-based Physical Therapy—and cash-pay Medicare in particular. Paul is one of the kindest, most genuine people I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with online. After re-listening to the interview, I’ll take the opportunity now to apologize…

CBP 43: PPS 2015 Highlights – Part 1 – “I F@#%ing Love Jerry Durham” and other Social Media and Marketing Knowledge Bombs from Gary Vaynerchuk
The PPS conference is a blast and this time around (2015) I brought a little microphone with me and recorded a number of conversations to pass on the business highlights and takeaways other attendees and I had at the conference. This episode is part 1 of 2, and the primary focus is on the marketing and social media advice…

How to Write Blog Posts that ACTUALLY Generate Business for a Clinic
Now that I have advanced from solo-practitioner to employer, I’m having to do a lot of training. But although it adds more work to an already crazy schedule, I’m making it my mission to document as much of that training as possible so I’m not constantly having to...
My Outlook on the Future of PT Private Practice and How Medicare Fits In
Whether you currently run a cash-based physical therapy practice like mine, or are interested in adding cash-based services to your practice, but are confused about the laws regarding self-payment from Medicare patients, then this podcast is for you. My friend Jeff...

Business Insights Among a Lot of Laughing
On this episode of Therapy Insiders podcast, I joined the crew over at UpDoc Media to talk about the cash physical therapy business, but we end up joking around quite a bit and also dive into some important concepts that apply to any type of business (as well as some...

Clinic Update and Why I’m Already Starting to Look for Another PT
The last couple months have been a wild ride but I’m very happy to report that my new PT’s schedule is staying completely full as we open up more treatment days per week on his schedule. In January, he’s seeing patients 3 days/week as he fully phases out of his...

The Little Things in Business Can Make a Huge Difference
In this interview on the Healthy, Wealthy, Smart Podcast, Dr. Karen Litzy and I discuss how to get new referrals to your business and how to network the right way. We also discuss the practical day-to-day logistics of running of a cash-based physical therapy business...

Going Waaaay Back to 2011 … Some Things Never Change
This was the time I was a guest on PT Talker podcast ... back in 2011!! Interestingly, the advice on starting a cash-based practice and how to really be successful in this business model hasn't changed much in the past 4 years. Click the link above and you'll learn at...