CASH-Based Practice Blog
CBP 59: From Stressed and Overworked to a Completely Automated, Million-Dollar, Out-of-Network Practice – Interview with Dr Jamey Schrier, PT
Today’s interview is with Jamey Schrier, out-of-network practice owner, PT business coach, and author of The Automated Practice: Success Secrets for Working Less and Earning More. Jamey has had plenty of ups and downs in his practice, including a fire…

Holy Crap … All My Online Marketing In One Single Platform!
If only the Patient Sites platform had these amazing Drip Marketing and Lead Generation components two years ago!!!! … I could’ve saved thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours creating all the lead magnets, landing pages, lead boxes, follow up emails, and marketing...

CBP 58: It’s been a wild ride – A review of the past year in my Cash-Based Practice
The past year and a half has been a wild ride with hiring not only my first staff PT, but a full time office administrator. Last week my office admin resigned and gave me her 1 month’s notice. So I decided to do a podcast episode on all I’ve learned in the past year since hiring…

CBP 57: My Morning Routine, Staff Training Musts, Patient Communication Tips, Cash-Practice Marketing Advice, and Much More
This episode was a blast and is actually a recorded interview from “The Duck Legs Podcast” in which the Hosts and DPT Students, Jared Aguilar and Tyler Adams, ask me a TON of awesome questions … many that I’ve never fielded before. I share my experience…

CBP 56: The Unforeseen Challenges of Growing from Solo Practitioner to Business Owner – Reverse Interview with Paul Gough
In this reverse interview, I’m fielding questions from Paul Gough about my first year of expanding from solo-practitioner to hiring staff and becoming a multi-therapist practice owner. We especially dive into the things I would have done differently as well as the decisions I’m very happy I made, so I…

CBP 055: Interview with Direct Primary Care Physician Michael Garrett MD
This interview was done in-person with “direct primary care” physician Michael Garrett, MD who has a private medical practice just down the road from my PT clinic in Austin Texas. He is part of the “direct primary care” movement in which patients pay a monthly fee for unlimited…
Hiring My First 3 Full-Time Employees in ONE Year! … and other 2016 Highlights
Wow, what a year it's been! Though I had to slow my content creation somewhat for in order to focus on my physical therapy clinic in Austin, it turns out it was time really well spent … In the past year, I have hired 3 full-time employees to help me...

CBP 54: The Logistics of Billing OON on Behalf of Patients – Cash PT Lunch Hour interview of Jerry Durham PT – PPS Conference Episode Part 2
Some cash-based practices, like mine, don’t bill insurances out-of-network (OON) on behalf of their cash-paying patients. However, many practices do offer this service. Especially those that have transitioned from in-network to out-of-network… and that’s where…

CBP 053: My Bar-Side Q&A with DPT Students – PPS Conference Episode 1
The 2016 Private Practice Section annual conference was held in Las Vegas and I had a blast. That’s especially apparent in this bar-side chat with a group of PT students. Please excuse the background noise and occasional evidence of inebriation…

CBP 052: How to Break Into a Niche Market & Generate Loads of New Patients with Both Offline and Online Marketing
As competition increases, POPTS and hospital systems horde referrals, and profit margins are squeezed by declining insurance reimbursements, targeting a niche market in which you become the “go-to practice” can be a business-saving…