CASH-Based Practice Blog

CBP 068 How to Build a Cash Practice: Checking in With the Guys from the Duck Legs Podcast
On this episode of the podcast, the guys from Duck Legs Podcast hosted me for a Facebook Live video interview, and as always was a very entertaining discussion. This was a long chat, so it’s split into two separate episodes. As PT students, they are already super in-tune with the future of cash pay PT…

How to Pay Yourself and Other Payroll Considerations for a Cash-Based Practice
Starting or transitioning to a cash-based practice and not sure how to pay yourself? In the video below, Jarod gives some great tips on when NOT to use a payroll service, a great method for paying yourself as a single-member LLC, and what financial tools you might...

CBP 067: Learn From My Mistakes! Lessons Learned in 2017 and HUGE Changes Coming in 2018
I’m a strong believer in this statement from the world’s greatest investor. That’s why whenever I’ve made a mistake, I do my best to put my ego aside and share it candidly with the thousands of people who listen to my podcast and read my emails. I want you to learn from my mistakes so you…

CBP 066: Finally! Interview with Jen Gamboa, Owner of the Largest Cash Pay PT Clinic in the US
After 4 years of waiting, I finally had the opportunity to interview Jen Gamboa, the owner of Body Dynamics which is the largest Cash-Pay Physical Therapy clinic in the United States! We managed to chat for a bit at the Private Practice Section conference in Chicago back in November. With over 20…

CBP 065: Growing from Solo Practitioner to Multi-Therapist Cash Practice: Catching Up with Aaron LeBauer
In this episode, I catch up with Aaron LeBauer after more than 3 years since our last interview on the podcast. He has been working hard to grow his cash practice from being a solo practitioner to having 2 other staff members. A lot has changed since we last talked on the podcast, both personally and professionally…

CBP 64: Over 20 Frequently Asked Questions – ANSWERED!
This episode is a lengthy Q&A full of...

CBP 063: HUGE news! (And Talking Shop with Paul Gough and Students From his Accelerator Program)
In this episode, Paul took time to chat with me and other students from his New Patient Accelerator course when he was in Austin several months ago. We got together at a nice little outdoor place and chatted about many different…

CBP 062: From Solo Cash Practitioner to 3 Full-Time Therapists in 2 1/2 Years! – Catching up with Danny Matta
This episode is a follow up interview with Danny Matta, who originally appeared on my podcast a couple years ago. You can check out his first interview here . Danny started out as a PT in the Army, then opened his own practice in a room at a Cross Fit gym. Now just 2 1/2 years later…

CBP 061: Explosive Growth in His Full Service Performance & Wellness PT Practice: Follow Up Interview with Eric Oliver
In this episode, I’m catching up with Eric Oliver. He was originally on episode 18 of this podcast, which you can check out here. Since that aired, Eric has grown and expanded his practice immensely… He’s had a busy few years! He’s sharing all the details of how…

CBP 060: Managing a Home-Based Cash Pay Practice from Around the World: Interview with Ben Gold
In this interview, I’m chatting with Ben Gold PT, a cash-pay practice owner who was first on the podcast back in 2014! He had established a home/office-visit cash based practice in New York City, but was just a few months away from moving back to Australia and attempting to maintain his…